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Current HIV Research (Virus and Immune Disease Research)

ISSN: 1570-162X (Print)
eISSN: 1873-4251 (Online)

Current HIV Research covers all the latest and outstanding developments of HIV and viral immune diseases research by publishing original research, full-length/mini review articles and guest edited thematic issues. The novel pioneering work in the basic and clinical fields on all areas of HIV and viral immune diseases research covers: virus replication and gene expression, HIV assembly, virus-cell interaction, viral pathogenesis, epidemiology and transmission, anti-retroviral therapy and adherence, drug discovery, the latest developments in HIV/AIDS vaccines and animal models, mechanisms and interactions with AIDS related diseases, social and public health issues related to HIV disease, and prevention of viral infection. Periodically, the journal invites guest editors to devote an issue on a particular area of HIV research and viral immune diseases of great interest that increases our understanding of the viruses and its complex interaction with the host. All aspects of viral diseases including Coronavirus will be covered.

Special Issues With Active Call for Papers

Submission closes on: Nov 13, 2024
Lymphomas in People Living with HIV (PLWH)

In the era of combined antiretroviral therapy (cART), the incidence of lymphoma among people living with HIV (PLWH) surpassed Kaposi's sarcoma in 2011, becoming the most common AIDS-defining malignancy. The annual incidence rate ranges approximately from 100 to 300 per 100,000 individuals with HIV infection as the population denominator, which is 50 to 100 times higher than in non-HIV-infected populations. Lymphoma-related mortality has also become a leading cause of death among PLWH, posing significant global... see more

Submission closes on: Oct 27, 2024
HIV Vaccine Development.

The development of a safe and effective vaccine that impedes HIV-1 transmission and/or limits the severity of infection remains a public health priority. The HIV-1/AIDS pandemic continues to have a disproportionate impact on vulnerable and under-served communities in the USA and globally. In the USA, minority communities that have relatively poor access to health information and care have higher than average rates of HIV-1 infection, including among pregnant women who can transmit the virus to... see more