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Search Results: APS
Adolescent Psychiatry
ISSN: 2210-6766 (Print)
eISSN: 2210-6774 (Online)
Impact Factor :
Impact Factor :
Aims and Scope:Adolescent Psychiatry a peer-reviewed journal, aims to provide mental health professionals who work with adolescents with current information relevant to the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders in adolescents.
Adolescent Psychiatry reports of original research, critical/mini reviews of topics relevant to practitioners, clinical observations with analysis and discussion, analysis of philosophical, ethical or social aspects of the fields of psychiatry and mental health, case reports with discussions, letters, and position papers.
Topics include adolescent development and developmental psychopathology, psychotherapy and other psychosocial treatment approaches, psychopharmacology, and service settings and programs. The primary focus of the work should be on adolescents, transition-aged youth, or emerging adults, that is, persons 12-24 years of age. Articles on families of adolescents, or adults who have been followed since adolescence will also be considered.
Adolescent Psychiatry reports of original research, critical/mini reviews of topics relevant to practitioners, clinical observations with analysis and discussion, analysis of philosophical, ethical or social aspects of the fields of psychiatry and mental health, case reports with discussions, letters, and position papers.
Topics include adolescent development and developmental psychopathology, psychotherapy and other psychosocial treatment approaches, psychopharmacology, and service settings and programs. The primary focus of the work should be on adolescents, transition-aged youth, or emerging adults, that is, persons 12-24 years of age. Articles on families of adolescents, or adults who have been followed since adolescence will also be considered.
Stephan M. Carlson Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program (CPEP)
Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center
Brooklyn NY
Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center
Brooklyn NY
Special Issues With Active Call for Papers
Submission closes on: Mar 16, 2025
The Human Trafficking
Human trafficking, one of the darkest sides of globalization, encompasses sex-work and prostitution, as well as forced labor and domestic work. Victims include women, men, and children who may experience post-traumatic stress and depression because of sexual, psychological, and physical abuse. This special issue will examine the impact of human trafficking on adolescents and young adults, particularly the psychological, developmental, and social impacts unique to this population. This special issue will also review factors that... see more