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Current Gene Therapy

ISSN: 1566-5232 (Print)
eISSN: 1875-5631 (Online)

Current Gene Therapy is a bi-monthly peer-reviewed journal aimed at academic and industrial scientists with an interest in major topics concerning basic research and clinical applications of gene and cell therapy of diseases. Cell therapy manuscripts can also include application in diseases when cells have been genetically modified. Current Gene Therapy publishes full-length/mini reviews and original research on the latest developments in gene transfer and gene expression analysis, vector development, cellular genetic engineering, animal models and human clinical applications of gene and cell therapy for the treatment of diseases.

Current Gene Therapy publishes reviews and original research containing experimental data on gene and cell therapy. The journal also includes manuscripts on technological advances, ethical and regulatory considerations of gene and cell therapy. Reviews should provide the reader with a comprehensive assessment of any area of experimental biology applied to molecular medicine that is not only of significance within a particular field of gene therapy and cell therapy but also of interest to investigators in other fields. Authors are encouraged to provide their own assessment and vision for future advances. Reviews are also welcome on late breaking discoveries on which substantial literature has not yet been amassed. Such reviews provide a forum for sharply focused topics of recent experimental investigations in gene therapy primarily to make these results accessible to both clinical and basic researchers. Manuscripts containing experimental data should be original data, not previously published.

Special Issues With Active Call for Papers

Submission closes on: Nov 25, 2024
Melatonin Signaling in Health and Disease

Melatonin regulates a multitude of physiological functions, including circadian rhythms, acting as a scavenger of free radicals, an anti-inflammatory agent, a modulator of mitochondrial homeostasis, an antioxidant, and an enhancer of nitric oxide bioavailability. AANAT is the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for converting serotonin to NAS, further converted to melatonin by HIOMT. The pineal gland serves as the primary source of endogenous melatonin, which appears to regulate target cells via the bloodstream. The physiological effects of... see more

Submission closes on: Sep 23, 2024
Programmed Cell Death Genes in Oncology: Pioneering Therapeutic and Diagnostic Frontiers (BMS-CGT-2024-HT-45)

Programmed Cell Death (PCD) is recognized as a pivotal biological mechanism with far-reaching effects in the realm of cancer therapy. This complex process encompasses a variety of cell death modalities, including apoptosis, autophagic cell death, pyroptosis, and ferroptosis, each of which contributes to the intricate landscape of cancer development and treatment strategies. The exploration of PCD at the molecular level has unveiled detailed connections between these cell death pathways and their relevance to therapeutic interventions... see more