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Drug Metabolism and Bioanalysis Letters

ISSN: 1872-3128 (Print)
eISSN: 1874-0758 (Online)



Aims and Scope:Drug Metabolism and Bioanalysis Letters is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that publishes letters, original research papers, mini-reviews, and guest-edited issues in all important aspects of drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and bioanalysis. The scope includes in vitro systems, including CYP-450; enzyme induction and inhibition; drug-drug interactions and enzyme kinetics; pharmacokinetics, toxicokinetics, species scaling and extrapolations; P-glycoprotein and transport carriers; target organ toxicity and interindividual variability; drug metabolism and disposition studies; extrahepatic metabolism; phase I and phase II metabolism; bioactivation; recent developments for the identification of drug metabolites, reactive intermediate, and glutathione conjugates. Additionally, LC/MS and other key detection methods, including ligand binding assays, sample preparation, chromatography and separation sciences, and method development and validation, are included, with applications in drug and metabolite assays, pharmacokinetic/toxicokinetic assays, biomarker assays, immunogenicity assays, diagnostic assays. Topics covered in this interdisciplinary journal include:

1. Analytical Method and Drug Metabolism
2. Bioavailability and Biopharmacy
3. Cytochrome 450 Drug Metabolism
4. Cytotoxicity
5. Drug Absorption and Disposition
6. Drug Biotransformation
7. Drug Delivery System
8. Drug-Drug Interaction
9. Drug Food Interaction
10. Drug Metabolizing Enzymes
11. Drug Toxicology
12. Drug Transporters
13. Drugs and CYP2D6
14. Factors Affecting Drug Metabolism
15. Hepatic Metabolism of Drugs
16. P-Glycoprotein and Transport Carriers
17. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
18. Phase I and II Drug Metabolism
19. Reactive Metabolites
20. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
21. Xenobiotics

Drug Metabolism and Bioanalysis Letters is an international, peer-reviewed journal on all aspects of drug metabolism and bioanalysis published half-yearly (print & online) by Bentham Science Publishers.


Zhiyang ZhaoResolian
Malvern, PA

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Special Issues With Active Call for Papers

Submission closes on: Feb 20, 2026
Advancements in Drug Discovery: Metabolic Pathways and Bioanalysis of Promising Bioactive Compounds

The field of drug discovery has witnessed tremendous progress, with an increasing number of novel bioactive compounds showing potential in the treatment of complex diseases. However, understanding the metabolism of these compounds, along with their pharmacokinetics and bioanalysis, remains a critical step in the drug development process. The way in which bioactive compounds are metabolized can significantly influence their efficacy, toxicity, and overall therapeutic potential. Moreover, bioanalytical techniques are vital in tracking these compounds within... see more