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Search Results: WCL
Wireless and Communication Letters
ISSN: 2666-9463 (Print)
eISSN: 2666-9471 (Online)
Aims and Scope:
Wireless & Communication Letters publishes high quality short-length original research articles on advances in the state of the art of wireless and communication systems. All aspects of recent advancements in the theoretical and practical contributions such as new techniques, system designs, concepts, analysis, experiment systems, prototypes, and applications are encouraged. Original short research articles and reviews in the following areas of wireless & Communication are of special interest to the readers of this letters:
- 5G Networks, 5G and beyond communication systems
- Wideband and cellular wireless communication systems
- Digital Communication
- Massive MINO/MIMO systems
- Smart/adaptive antennas for wireless systems
- Multi-beam, beam steering and beamforming antenna systems for wireless communications
- Communications theory
- Modulation and coding
- Detection and estimation
- Diversity techniques and equalization
- Propagation and channel characterization
- Fading countermeasures
- Multiuser detection
- Signal separation and interference rejection
- Multimedia communications over wireless
- DSP applications to wireless systems
- Network architectures and protocols
- Multiple access techniques
- Cognitive radio
- Space-time signal processing
- Synchronization techniques
- Localization estimation and tracking
- Software defined radio
- Internet of Things (IoTs)
- Wireless sensors and self-powered wireless sensor networks
- Cross-layer design, optimization and operation
- Ad hoc wireless networks
NasimuddinAntenna & Optical Department
Institute for Infocomm Research
Singapore City
Institute for Infocomm Research
Singapore City