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CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets

ISSN: 1871-5273 (Print)
eISSN: 1996-3181 (Online)

CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets aims to cover all the latest and outstanding developments on the medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology, genomics and biochemistry of contemporary molecular targets involved in neurological and central nervous system (CNS) disorders e.g. disease specific proteins, receptors, enzymes, genes. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets publishes guest edited thematic issues written by leaders in the field covering a range of current topics of CNS & neurological drug targets. The journal also accepts for publication original research articles, letters, reviews and drug clinical trial studies. As the discovery, identification, characterization and validation of novel human drug targets for neurological and CNS drug discovery continues to grow; this journal is essential reading for all pharmaceutical scientists involved in drug discovery and development.

Special Issues With Active Call for Papers

Submission closes on: Nov 13, 2024
Role of glial cells in autism spectrum disorder: Molecular mechanism and therapeutic approaches

Emerging evidence suggests that glial cells may play a pivotal role in neuroanatomical and behavioral changes found in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Many individuals with ASD experience a neuro-immune system abnormalities throughout life, which implicates a potential role of microglia in the pathogenesis of ASD. Dysfunctional astrocytes and oligodendrocytes were shown to contribute to neurochemical imbalances and modifying axonal conduction in ASD. Altogether it is suggested that alterations in axons, myelin and exacerbated inflammation play... see more

Submission closes on: Jun 30, 2024
Trends and perspectives in the rational management of CNS disorders

Central nervous system (CNS) diseases enforce a significant global health burden, driving ongoing efforts to improve our understanding and effectiveness of therapy. This issue investigates current advances in the discipline, focusing on the understanding as well as therapeutic handling of various CNS diseases. The issue covers a variety of diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders and neurodevelopmental disorders. We evaluate the newest scientific discoveries on the pathogenesis, associated risks, and prospective therapeutic approaches in neurodegenerative disorders such... see more