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Current Reviews in Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology

ISSN: 2772-4328 (Print)
eISSN: 2772-4336 (Online)

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Aims and Scope:Current Reviews in Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology publishes full-length /mini-reviews, including high-quality narrative reviews, systematic reviews/meta-analyses, clinical trials, and guest-edited thematic issues on all the latest advances in the field of basic and clinical pharmacological research. This journal covers the following areas, namely pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, novel drug targets and techniques, drug discovery and development, vaccine development, tissue replacement, immunotherapies, systems pharmacology, pharmacogenomics, pharmacoepidemiology, and clinical and experimental therapeutic strategies.


Arduino A. Mangoni Flinders University and Flinders Medical Centre
Adelaide, SA

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Special Issues With Active Call for Papers

Submission closes on: Feb 23, 2026
Current Studies in Oncology, Neuropathology and Hematology

The development of drugs includes both experimental and clinical studies. The most common and dangerous to health are cardiovascular and oncological, as well as neurological diseases. In this regard, the current issue will include articles devoted to experimental in vitro, ex vivo, in vivo, and clinical studies of drugs for the treatment of hematological, oncological, and neurological pathologies. Particular attention will be paid to studying the mechanisms of action of drugs at the molecular, cellular... see more